God’s Presence in Our Transformation

Lent invites us into a season of reflection and transformation. We often think of transformation as something we must achieve on our own, but scripture reminds us that God is with us at every step, even when the path feels unsteady.

Psalm 27 opens with the words, “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?”. This is not a declaration of self-sufficiency, but a quiet confidence rooted in God’s steadfast presence. Transformation often begins in difficult places, with moments of fear, uncertainty, or loss, but the psalm assures us that God’s is present in both darkness and light, guiding us toward wholeness.

In Genesis, Abram’s journey toward transformation begins not with his own strength, but with God’s promise: “Do not be afraid, Abram, I am your shield; your reward shall be very great.” Abram is imperfect and flawed, but he offers hospitality to the stranger, and God's faithfulness is constant. The covenant God makes with Abram reminds us that transformation is not about perfection, but about trusting in God’s promises even when we cannot see the outcome.

Jesus’ lament over Jerusalem in the Gospel of Luke offers another glimpse of God’s heart. Jesus longs to gather the people like a mother hen gathering her chicks under her wings. Transformation is not always easy; sometimes it means recognizing where we have strayed or resisted God’s call. Yet Jesus’ response is sheltering us with compassion, rather than leaving us exposed. God’s desire is always to draw us close, to protect us as we grow into the fullness of who we are created to be.

Lent is not about fixing ourselves. It is about opening our hearts to the quiet work of God within us. Transformation unfolds when we allow God’s presence to shape us, when we stand in the light of God’s love, trusting that even in the shadows, God is near.

As we walk through this Lenten season, may we rest in the assurance that God’s presence is our light and our shelter, guiding us through every step of transformation.



The Grace of Transformation


Spring Forward: A Season of Transformation